
Results 18 comments of elesto

Same issue but with the dark theme the status bar is full white and i can't see anything Android 12

ignore search pages in settings.

for me safesearch settings redirects to google.com/safesearch

The issue with containerise is it currently doesn't have the option to not override other containers.

I really need more zooming for subway maps. This is fully zoomed. ![Screenshot_20220226-224405](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/24771215/155867438-f4913e40-7860-432a-aa83-d01d206f870c.png)

+1 please I have many many messages to archive and sort

When playing a song the thumbnails displayed are wrong. The app chooses a seemingly random thumbnail from my songs and displays it for every song in that folder. Im not...

Yes I use yt-dlp for this. I use this command `yt-dlp -x -f bestaudio --audio-quality 5 --audio-format mp3 --embed-thumbnail "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ0Jm_EqXd0"` It uses ffmpeg to embed the thumbnail I think