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The official Go client for Elasticsearch

Results 78 go-elasticsearch issues
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Hello, As part of below search query, I was trying to add 'sort' attribute using typed API. **Query** POST myIdx/_search { "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "match_phrase": {...

Hello, I started to use `esutil.BulkIndexer` recently (with elasticsearch v6) and got an error by not providing a type on an index action. I expected to obtain the info thanks...

hi, we run the `BulkIndexer` with default number of workers, which on the machines we use ends up being 8. sometimes during a flush, we see an error response like...

Hi, Would be good if the Go elasticsearch client had a helper function to bulk index to Logstash. Logstash can handle all the complex logic like clean shutdown, buffering etc....

Where are all the Response structs at? I don't think they exist. If not, I struggle to understand why they are not implemented. Is the expectation that I am going...

In bulk_indexer.go, I see logic below: ``` func (w *worker) run() { go func() { ... if err := w.flush(ctx); err != nil { w.mu.Unlock() if w.bi.config.OnError != nil {...

Can you please add documentation for the go client within elastic search or else share examples around the MSearchTemplate API usage via the client. I tried myself but couldn't get...

If elasticsearch service is configured to use https, and http is used in the connection string, requests return EOF

Currently, NewBulkInderxer function creates a elasticsearch.Client with default ES URL=localhost:9200 in case if it is not provided by the consumer. In most of the PROD ready applications ES Url address...

I am reading from a file containing newline delimited json (written by a golang process), with each line containing a single json line. I am adding these lines to a...