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The official Go client for Elasticsearch

Results 78 go-elasticsearch issues
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Get the scroll_id by the request: ``` res, err := c.Search( c.Search.WithContext(background), c.Search.WithIndex(elasticIndex), c.Search.WithBody(&query), c.Search.WithSize(10000), c.Search.WithScroll(30*time.Second), ) ``` After try to get second batch by the request: ``` res, err...

If I make 100 updates to the same id, e.g. `for i in 1..100; addToBulkIndexer{update doc 2 with some_field: i}`, it's not guaranteed that after this, the some_field is 100....


In Elasticsearch, escaped characters may be contains in index name. ref: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/date-math-index-names.html ``` # PUT / PUT /%3Cmy-index-%7Bnow%2Fd%7D%3E ``` Notice that we have to escape the `/` here. In Golang,...

I'm trying to create a backup repository and saving snapshots on a opendistro es. My cluster is run on kubernetes and I have a single node. The kubernetes deployment is...

Not entirely sure why this is happening, but I think it has something to do with the retrying mechanism. Here's the backtrace: ``` ================== WARNING: DATA RACE Write at 0x00c00038e5a8...

I cannot find a way to make a conditional bulk insert , I don't know if you support it yet and if not i think it should be a feature...

# Issue When adding a document to Elasticsearch (v7.0.1) using go-elasticsearch on master branch, it is not possible to use the '/' as a separator within the document ID field...


Previously, I opened #84 with a desire to support tokens in a similar manner manner to the other native authentication methods within elasticsearch. Although I wanted this as a feature...

Based on [the Delete By Query API documentation](https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/docs-delete-by-query.html#docs-delete-by-query-picking-slices), the `slices` field may be set to `auto`. The `DeleteByQueryRequest` struct [only allows `*int` as input](https://github.com/elastic/go-elasticsearch/blob/ea052088db25bb87db9ce22b8191a5205665ee99/esapi/api.delete_by_query.go#L60), as does the `DeleteByQuery` method, so...

Hello unfortunately, fasthttp does not support a body when using GET: https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/issues/651 That's why fasthttp is not working with es.Search.WithBody(&buf) Please add an option to switch the search request method...