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The official Go client for Elasticsearch

Results 78 go-elasticsearch issues
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When I was trying to gracefully handle timeouts I noticed that the error is swallowed and it looks like everything was OK even though the timeout was triggered and the...

I am trying to upgrade Elasticsearch in a project from olivere/elastic v5 to elastic/go-elasticsearch v7. What are the equivalent functions for NewBooleanQuery, NewRangeQuery, DeleteByQuery, NewTermQuery, NewBulkIndexRequest in elastic/go-elasticsearch v7? To...

Hello, The `BulkIndexerConfig` ask for a `Client *elasticsearch.Client` ```go // BulkIndexerConfig represents configuration of the indexer. type BulkIndexerConfig struct { ... Client *elasticsearch.Client // The Elasticsearch client. ... } ```...


## The Problem The workers tend to flush at (roughly) the same time. The main reason for this is that worker buffers are filled evenly, because all workers fetch their...


I like that the library provides some convenient way to do bulk indexing data. I think with v8 the `BulkIndexerItem.Body` has been changed from `Reader` to `ReadSeeker` interface for better...

Currently, the timeout for discovering nodes cannot be set in the configuration. We hope that the configuration item can be supported. See: - https://github.com/elastic/elastic-transport-go/blob/6475398eb2a0e8fbef658ff3960f1f0c20741fb6/elastictransport/discovery.go#L122 `go.mod` ```go github.com/elastic/elastic-transport-go/v8 v8.5.0 // indirect...