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The official Go client for Elasticsearch

Results 78 go-elasticsearch issues
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Hi, I am trying to implement Kubernates event exporter for testing by using "https://github.com/johnsonprabu-a/kubernetes-event-exporter" Here "https://github.com/johnsonprabu-a/kubernetes-event-exporter/blob/master/pkg/sinks/elasticsearch.go" is the client to export the collected metrics to ES. This is working fine,...

hi guys, I just noticed https://github.com/elastic/go-elasticsearch/blob/v6.8.5/esapi/api.search.go#L316, seems all the data format we could support is json. and from the official document https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/common-options.html#_content_type_requirements. I got a little confused, will we support...

``` res, err := es.Count( es.Count.WithIndex(idx), es.Count.WithDocumentType("event"), es.Count.WithIgnoreUnavailable(true), ) ``` The third parameter will add _?ignore_unavailable=true_ to the request. The fasthttp example is not setting the Content-Type and fasthttp will...

# Issue When using an asterisk as part of the index name like: `some-events-*` to match different indexes like: ``` some-events-foo some-events-bar some-events-20191118 ``` the url encodes the `*` Sample...

Driver for[ database/sql ](https://golang.org/pkg/database/sql/)interface using the SQL feature introduced in 6.3.

the olivere/elastic supports follow codes: ` q := elastic.NewBoolQuery() q.Must(elastic.NewTermQuery("id", "1544175232779030532")) ` It's definitely more readable.


Hi :wave: from Testcontainers Go community! I'm sending this PR as way to improve the developer experience running the tests in this project, using testcontainers-go. Of course, it's up to...

This is almost identical to the issue #93 . The only difference is that I'm trying to specify filter_path on a typedapi search-request. I've already double-checked both of the following...

github.com/elastic/elastic-transport-go/v8 v8.3.0 github.com/elastic/go-elasticsearch/v8 v8.11.0 package esutil 的 flush 方法,其中 Reset方法不存在。 w.ticker.Reset(w.bi.config.FlushInterval)