Eric Froemling

Results 77 comments of Eric Froemling

Sorry about that; I've got a root-checker built into the Android version and sometimes it gets false positives. I'm working towards being able to run tournaments on my own servers...

Ok, how about if I promise to start up an 'official' discord server first thing after 1.7 is done? 😬 As long as some of you active community members don't...

Hey folks! Hate to be pedantic, but I'm not *quite* considering 1.7 released yet. First test builds are out on, but there are a few things I still need...

Ok, 1.7 is mostly in a stable state, so as promised: Hop on and say hi or let me know any thoughts about how we want to set the...

Oh cool; didn't know the deadsnakes stuff works on raspbian. I just installed via source for my build device but I should use that instead...

I'm guessing this may be a problem in the OpenAL library based on that 'AL lib' error. I haven't touched any of the audio code in a while so I...

No worries; I know I can go for long stretches without updates sometimes so I don't mind being asked. Anyway, I'm currently towards the end of 1.7 development, and plan...

> what will happens to our previous accounts? Existing accounts will be untouched. You'll be able to link a V2 email/password login to your existing login(s) if you want to...

> > What is 'Asset Packages' on the website? Is it related to the Dependency Component? > > Yes?.. I expect some tool where modders can upload pngs/models/audio files which...

> Hey so will it auto generate a v2 account for our v1 accounts? Like I thought the game would ask us to create a v2 account and transfer data...