### Context Research can be found here: We are going to investigate amount of work and potential hosting costs to host a github app ourselves for this issue. Another...
**Describe the bug** I tried to pay a bounty to a user who is logged in using LNURL Auth and wallet of satoshi. I got an error saying that the...
- 1 lite user (provider/hunter). They will create org, bounty(github), bounty(without github), add image to org. Assign hunter. This user also has super admin permissions. - 1 lite user with...
This suite of tests are for when a bounty has been posted. ### Signed in hunter and looking at the bounty you posted - [ ] I should view the...
### Context Currently, only 100 people are called when going to the people page: Let's add a "load more" button so that more people can be loaded onto that...
The flow would be: unassigned -> assigned/inprogress -> completed -> paid Here's a situation where it would be helpful: Vlad wants to complete all 3 bounties before getting paid. He...
One of the lessons based on user interviews is that hunters click on bounties based off the title and description of a bounty. I've discovered this through user interviews with...
**Describe the bug** When I click to look at a bounty from the profile view under "bounties" or "assigned bounties", I am able to view a bounty but from the...
When creating a bounty, sometimes a github link to an issue is provided. We should populate the description box with the information in the issue when the button gets toggled...
This should pull up the create a bounty modal for mobile. This may be a larger issue as the designs for this isn't in place