sphinx-tribes copied to clipboard
Implement component tests for bounties modal
This suite of tests are for when a bounty has been posted.
Signed in hunter and looking at the bounty you posted
- [ ] I should view the bounty from the bounty-specific url
- [ ] I should see the bounty poster, title of bounty, Sat amount/usd conversion, est. hours, and buttons for github ticket, tribe, copy link, and share to twitter which are all clickable.
- [ ] The description should be pulled from github if a issue was provided.
- [ ] The description should be pulled from our backend if not.
- [ ] If a hunter is not assigned, there should be a clickable button "I can help".
- [ ] When a bounty is assigned, the profile image and user name of hunter should appear on top right.
Looking at the bounty you didn't post
- [ ] I should view the bounty from the bounty-specific url
- [ ] I should be able to exit the url by click the "x" on the top right
- [ ] I should see the bounty poster, title of bounty, Sat amount/usd conversion, est. hours, and buttons for github ticket, tribe, copy link, and share to twitter which are all clickable.
- [ ] The description should be pulled from github if a issue was provided.
- [ ] The description should be pulled from our backend if not.
- [ ] If a hunter is not assigned, there should be a clickable button "I can help" and an empty profile image.
- [ ] When I click on "I can help", a Discuss with Bounty Provider pop up should appear including a QR code, button to copy pub key, assign to self button, and connect with sphinx button.
- [ ] When I click on "I can help", the bounty page should persist and not disappear.
Signed-in provider at bounty I posted
- [ ] I should also see an edit and delete button which are clickable.
- [ ] When I click on edit, it should take me to the edit modal.
- [ ] When I click on delete, the bounty should be deleted.
- [ ] The delete button should get greyed out once a bounty has been paid therefore preventing it from being deleted again.
- [ ] This bounty can be marked as unpaid and the delete button can be activated again once the hunter has been unassigned.
- [ ] When I click on "assign hunter", a pop up should appear to invite a developer including "type to search" box, a"skills" box, and a recommendation of 5 hunters.
- [ ] When I click on the "type to search" box I should be able to type in any character and the list below should be filtered.
- [ ] When I click on the "skills" box I should be able to type in any character and the list below should be filtered.
- [ ] When I click on "invite" on a hunter, the pop up should clear and the hunter should be assigned to the bounty.