gazebo_ros_docker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gazebo_ros_docker copied to clipboard

Dockerfiles with ROS and Gazebo

Dockers: ROS + Gazebo

Available Dockers

  • ROS 1 (Melodic release only) + Gazebo 9
  • ROS 2 + Gazebo 9

Generate docker image


Optional arguments

  • [-r1|--ros1]: select ROS 1 version (melodic). Enabled by default.
  • [-r2|--ros2]: select ROS 2 version.
  • [-g|--gazebo]: select Gazebo version. Only Gazebo 9 is supported for ROS 2.


ROS 1 Melodic + Gazebo 11

./build --gazebo 11

ROS 2 Eloquent + Gazebo 9

./build --ros2 eloquent

Run docker image


Optional arguments

  • [-r1|--ros1]: select ROS 1 version (melodic). Enabled by default.
  • [-r2|--ros2]: select ROS 2 version.
  • [-c|--cmd]: run command (default is bash). tmux can be used too.
  • [-ws|--workspace]: select workspace to be mounted from the host.

Note: You don't need to specify the Gazebo version.


ROS 1 Melodic + Gazebo 11

./run --cmd tmux

ROS 2 Eloquent + Gazebo 9

./run --ros2 eloquent -ws "/home/my_user/my_colcon_ws"


  • You need to have installed nvidia-docker2 in your machine in order to make it work ONLY if you have an Nvidia GPU.