Dwight Watson

Results 125 comments of Dwight Watson

Hey, really sorry for the delay in getting to this one. Good find. I seem to recall the cache callback being added to prevent a circular loop that popped up...

That’s odd. I don’t have time to dedicate to this right now, but would be happy to look at a PR that resolves it.

I'm not sure - there seems to be a long prefix to your key that I've not seen. Are you doing something funky that creates that prefix, as I would...

Is it possible that the `rememberCachePrefix` isn't being used when flushing the cache, hence the build-up? I've not seen this myself - so see if you're able to determine the...

I'm not entirely sure - I'm waiting on New Relic to get back up and running so I can crunch the numbers there, otherwise I'll see if I can replicate...

I ended up biting the bullet and moving to v2 regardless because of the deprecation warnings from v1. Also realised that using signed vs non-signed URLs was a performance drain...

This has popped up out of nowhere for me and appears to be happening more frequently. Also on Heroku.

I think @andrew-bibby has uncovered the actual bug in Linux that's caused this, [their comment on the related issue on a Laravel implementation of this library](https://github.com/laravel-notification-channels/apn/issues/118#issuecomment-785065757) includes more information and...

Thanks Voon - yeah we're running Turbo too. That's a good tip, I'll have a go running that code. Did you just come across the issue on 2.2.1 as well,...

Alright, I can see this is present in 2.2.0 as well. What's more - this error occurs when clicking the image (i.e. not just when I attempt to trigger it...