Dwight Watson

Results 125 comments of Dwight Watson

The property is '$validationMessages', I believe.

Oh sorry, it looks like that feature was removed from the Laravel 5 branch. Please create a new issue for that, as it is different to the topic of this...

I like this idea, I'll take a look into it. Unfortunately `forceDelete()` is already taken by soft deleting though. You can still achieve this though, something like: ``` $user->setValidating(false); $user->delete();...

Would it make sense to use the model's Global ID instead - that way there could still be some magic in converting that data back to an ActiveRecord instance if...

Any update on this one? The same issue is still present, it would be great to have this working with Heroku CI.

Happy to accept a PR for this if it's important to you. I don't use this library anymore and not really dedicating any time to maintenance.

Good call, just totally forgot about it to be honest. Thanks anyway!

Wouldn't you want to flush the `user_queries` cache in this instance? There's some known issues regarding caching with morph relationships. Happy to review any code that seeks to resolve the...

Yeah, I'd assume so. But there are a few open issues around morphing relationships, so no guarantees this will work as you expect.

I appreciate this, but my understanding is that `composer require watson/rememberable` will install the latest compatible version automatically - you shouldn't need to specify the specific version.