Dwight Watson

Results 125 comments of Dwight Watson

I suppose in this context you would expect that the `validating` events fire in response to the `isValid()` and `isInvalid()` methods as well as in response to a save action,...

Sure - I'm assuming that when you're hooking into the `validating` your event you're generating changes on the model that change it into a valid state. Instead, you might want...

Hm, I see what you're going for. Can't say I've done anything like that in the past, but have you tried creating a UUID in the constructor or in the...

Ah yeah, you're right - that's a bit tricky with the boot method. There definitely doesn't appear to be other events that would be helpful to hook into either. Normally...

I see what you're going for, but I'm not sure this functionality belongs in the trait. As it is now the validation only works on the model itself, and Eloquent...

I would argue that the single responsibility of the validating trait as-is is to ensure the validity of the model it is on. Perhaps an additional trait that can be...

I guess from my perspective is that for a long time I've considered this feature-complete and that Laravel's FormRequests have become a viable alternative to model validation. The package has...

Yeah, wondering what the best approach to access those services would be then. The facades are currently used in the tests. I suppose one approach would be to use `app('Illuminate\Validation\Factory')`...

Hey @raulp, got something like this setup in #66. You'll need to run on `dev-develop` for now as it will go into a `0.10.x` release once a relevant PR is...

I can see the need for there to be a better solution than this, I'll take a look into it for a future version.