Dwight Watson

Results 125 comments of Dwight Watson

Happy to look at any PR that wants to implement this functionality.

@atymic - happy to help out with maintenance. I already look after the APN and Facebook channels as well.

Vite 3.2.4, @aws-sdk/credential-provider-cognito-identity 3.211.0 and I still can't complete a build with Vite. Though it looks like the error might have moved to `@aws-sdk/client-cloudwatch-logs` now? ``` 'request' is not exported...

Yeah, tried that. Perhaps my issue is that my entry point is the specific `amazon-location-helpers` library instead. ``` yarn remove amazon-location-helpers yarn add amazon-location-helpers --dev yarn run build ```

I've got a repro repo here: https://github.com/dwightwatson/vite which fails when running `yarn run build`

I just realised that Laravel 11's `artisan optimize` command now includes view caching which wasn't included in Laravel 10, which explains why I'm only running into this now.

In the `ViewCacheCommand` it gets an [instance of `BladeCompiler` from the view](https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/11.x/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/ViewCacheCommand.php#L59). I'm not fully familiar with what is going on here: ```php $compiler = $this->laravel['view']->getEngineResolver()->resolve('blade')->getCompiler(); ``` Dumping this instance,...

I didn't test with blade-ui-kit as I was using herocions specifically. Easy fix for the meantime is to simply call `config:cache`, `event:cache`, `route:cache` and `view:cache` separately instead of the `optimize`...

No, not at this stage. Happy to review any ideas or PRs that implement this.