Dwight Watson

Results 125 comments of Dwight Watson

Have you cached your config or anything like that? Can you dump` config('services.facebook_poster')` and verify everything is there?

I don't think there's enough information here to go off. What version of the package are you using? Are you trying to use Facebook directly, instead of through the channel?...

For reference, I am running the current version (3.0.0) with Laravel 7.18 and it is working - so there is something else going on here.

There's still not enough information here. Do you have something in your app that would be interfering with how this package interacts with Facebook? Are you able to replicate the...

Wonder if you got any closer to solving this? Noticed the same thing - Rails and Heroku docs suggest that just installing `hiredis` is enough, but `hiredis-rb` and Engineyard docs...

Cool find @lipanski. Curiously, I get the opposite without the explicit require: ``` irb(main):001:0> Redis.new(url: "redis://")._client.driver => Redis::Connection::Ruby ``` Though, actually, the Rails cache store seems to pick it up...

[Laravel's Nexmo channel now supports a `via` method to pass in a custom Nexmo client](https://github.com/laravel/nexmo-notification-channel/pull/30), which is set on the `NexmoMessage`. This could set the precedent for customising configurations. Tend...

I'm not sure if it's related, but I suddenly started getting errors in production 7 days ago. Occurs in `vendor/edamov/pushok/src/Client.php:161`. Made no changes to the server, and no changes to...

Prepping this on the APN channel: https://github.com/laravel-notification-channels/apn/pull/79 Let anything exceptional fail loudly as it would anyway, and dispatch `NotificationFailed` events when we can determine that the notification wasn't delivered.