Dimitrios Siganos

Results 54 comments of Dimitrios Siganos

How many characters are allowed in the whole number section? What is the max string length? Can we check for that explicitly before doing any other processing?

Is this legal? the current rules do not say. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001

The protocol docs and kaitai systax will also need updating. And possibly the protocol version too.

We should check that when an optimistic election does not succeed, we walk back up the account history, ideally using a bisect strategy, and try to confirm election at older...

Currently, many keepalive messages have the following 2 entries in them: ::0 and ::XXXXX, where XXXXX is the listening port number typically 7075 Do we not want to remove these...

The intention was that only the first keepalive message sent by a node would have those 2 special entries as a way to advertise the ports that it is listening...

We should improve it. It is not broken but it is wasting keepalive slots. It is an inefficiency. Only the first keepalive packets should have those 2 special entries.

No, PR #3583 didn't finish the job. It only started it. It only added `to_string()` to the class `nano::message_header`. We also need `to_string()` methods for all the classes that extend...

The message protocol is documented here: https://github.com/nanocurrency/protocol/blob/main/reference/protocol.ksy