innoextract icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
innoextract copied to clipboard

A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup

Results 58 innoextract issues
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Hello, I see that the program code does not have the feature to specify the output folder name, the default is 'app', I would like to request to add the...

This is interesting for reverse engineering and especially retrieving password when it's hidden in the compiled code. This line executes `log(0)` and crashes innoextract if you provide a file as input that happens to have `info.files.size() == 0`.

The new InnoSetup version 6.3.1 has been released two days ago. Unfortunately Innoextract 1.9 is not able to open this kind of packages. Is there any hope for an update?...

Warning: Unexpected setup data version: 5.4.3 Stream error while parsing setup headers! ├─ detected setup version: 5.4.3 └─ error reason: basic_ios::clear: iostream error If you are sure the setup file...

When testing InnoExtract we noticed that the latest release (v1.9 -> was published ~4 years ago. The pre-compiled binaries that come with this tag support InnoSetup v1.2.10 -> v6.0.5...