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A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup

Results 58 innoextract issues
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To allow extract broken installers, possibly in conjunction with the --no-checksum option (enhancement #28).


Or with slices in different locations. Having both an interactive move (ask user for filenames of missing slices as they are needed) and a batch mode (slice filenames specified on...


Might allow the OS better allocate the space for large files, mostly when there are multiple concurrent/interleaved writes (ie: with #14).


Same goes for additional info text. Or maybe add an option to print the value of any variable available to Inno Setup scripts (if the license even is available there)?...


There should be an option to write them to .lnk or .desktop files. Or maybe just list them?


There should be an option to write them to .ini files. What to do with entries removed by the installer?


There should be an option to write them to Wine/Windows-compatible .reg files. What to do with values/keys removed by the installer?


Hello, I am trying to use the lastest version of the tool to extract files from the preload version of the Witcher 3. This is a multi-part gog archive with...
