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A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup

Results 58 innoextract issues
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Hi, can you please compile x64 version for Windows. On Server Core, there is no x86 layer and therefore cannot run. Thanks.


Up until now i have been able to extract GOG installers with multiple files using the --gog option, but it doesn't work with the setup for Doom 3 1.3.1 (the...


In these multi-file setups the .exe typically doesn't store any files but only the headers that describe where and how the files are stored - so some of the .bin...

Version: Latest source code compilation Compilation command: cmake -DWITH_CONV=iconv -DSTRICT_USE=ON .. Error message: qaq@macos innoextract-1.9-windows % ./innoextract -e 1.exe Warning: Unexpected setup data version: 6.1.0 (unicode) Stream error while parsing...

Taken from and adapted to innoextract. Feel free to modify it. I just made so that people would stop forgetting to post their innoextract version.

innoextract.exe -e "M:\Install\Sante.DICOM\Sante.DICOM.Viewer.3D.Pro\sante_dicom_viewer_pro.exe" -d "M:\Install\Sante.DICOM\Sante.DICOM.Viewer.3D.Pro\App" -m -s --collisions rename-all Warning: Unexpected setup data version: 6.1.0 (unicode) Warning: Unexpected trailing byte in UTF-16 string. Warning: Unexpected data while converting from UTF-16LE...


Boost_VERSION_MACRO sometimes gives the wrong result, because the casing "Boost_VERSION" doesn't match "BOOST_VERSION" (as it's used everywhere else).

I'm encountering a problem building innoextract with Conan 2 using the C++17 profile. I get several compile errors, but the first is telling: it's trying to use `auto_ptr` which is...

Fix for older versions of boost See: