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A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup

Results 58 innoextract issues
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innounp extracts `embedded\CompiledCode.bin` when given the -m option


Fixing bug found in investigation of #119 The top-level source directory can't be added as an include directory because it creates a conflict with standard C++ header ``

Right now InnoExtract seems to be a classic single threaded program that could be speeded up a lot by using multiple cores.


hi, while unpacking foo-gog.exe using "" I got **"Unexpected output file size"** followed by an infinite loop (100% CPU usage ; "procmon" shows no activity at all); `innoextract.exe -t` shows...


innoextract didn't extract all useful file from an Inno Setup exe installer. Other tools (like innounp) extract also - iss (Inno Setup Installer Script) - setup.png (icon used by exe...


Hi, I think it would be cool to add wiki pages with examples how to compile your project when someone is using MSYS2, VisualStudio, etc. Here's for MSYS2. I'm using...

I'm trying to extract the files of gog's The Witcher 3 patch V1.30 but the extracted files are split into small compressed parts in the tmp folder. I thought innoextract...


You basically get some folder extracted randomly without files, and the program pretends it's a success.


Currently we only have --language (which should be extended to accept a list!). Users should be able to limit th files to be extracted should by 1. Filenames(+path) (--include/--exclude chains...


Currently we replace constants with their names and parameters. This is a sensible default for most constants - although an `--install` option that uses proper default/user supplied values could be...
