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A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup

Results 58 innoextract issues
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Ugly globbing implementation on top of Boost.Regex. For example to extract Master Levels for Doom II from GOG distribution one may use this command ``` sh innoextract -I 'master/wads/*.wad' setup_doom2_2.0.0.6.exe ```

It's overkill and not powerful enough at the same time


See [IFPSTools]( for a MIT-licensed reference.


For one, there are also different kinds of entries that should be extracted: - [x] enhancement #13: **Handle directory entries** - [ ] enhancement #18: **Extract registry keys set by...


extracting the following installers and more have issue setup_beneath_a_steel_sky_1.0_%2820270%29.exe setup_jill_of_the_jungle_1.0_%2824660%29.exe setup_ultima_iv_-_quest_of_the_avatar_1.0_%2822309%29.exe example command innoextract --include app --gog ${filename} the app folder will be almost empty. On the latest snapshot, it...


Could the output of `--list-checksums` have an option of JSON format? This would make it easier to parse the output programmatically.


`-p`, just like with `patch` Most users don't care about the `app` folder and would rather have the files directly.
