Results 48 comments of Dian Chen

Sorry for the delay, let me know if you have run into any issues running the codes!

Thanks for your interest in the project! The route files reside in `assets` folder, you can follow the steps [here]( to evaluate the agents. Let me know if you run...

The `nxp` is the next waypoint normalized to the current ego-car's frame. Also sorry for the delay in the data collection codes... Just finished cleaning them up and they reside...

FPS=20 and we do a skip of 4 -- 2.5s.

At inference time the model predicts trajectories for all N timesteps for all vehicles, but yes the aim point loc for ego vehicle control corresponds to 1s future (for the...

Also, is it possible to share the exact script to generate these files? Many thanks

Thanks @chenqinkai, were you able to follow the provided links and generate the text/price/label embeddings from real data? I am interested in reproducing their numbers published in the paper.

> but it seems difficult to get the exact numbers. > Otherwise, I don't see anywhere in the code using the validation set So did you not even get good...