
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

I believe this issue is related to If someone could check with this fix and double check your code-base to ensure you have the proper collectionName set on users-permissions.

@basavarajdodamani nope no work has started, this repo is just for RFCs or "Request for comments". Nothing will be implemented until the RFC is approved and in certain cases, such...

@Aurelsicoko do you think it would be better to handle the array of IDs as a query parameter and not a dynamic variable? Something like `PUT /articles/bulk?ids=[1,2,3,4,5]` or something. Trying...

> Yep, the ID could be also pass through the body of the PUT HTTP query. I don't know if there is any limit of length on a URL? I...

> @derrickmehaffy it would also be great if not only the API would support bulk operations, but also the admin dashboard ui. There are many cases, where you as a...

Any update on when this can be merged?

@CyberSteelX do you mean you have multiple tables in the same DB as Strapi that aren't used by Strapi?

Reproduction video on v4.5.0:

Will require some kind of "aggregation" which will be possible with GraphQL in the future, however it has not been ported over to bookshelf (mysql) from upstream: