
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

@martincapek this is one of those edge cases :sweat: we prob should just add a quick check to ignore this one.

This -should- be fixed in marking as closed unless someone hits the issue again.

@VincentDugard / @andresfelipe9619 / @LilyLauben from what I can see that column is no longer required. Can you please do the following: - Take a database back (of course) -...

> @derrickmehaffy Thanks for the response. > So far no luck… I deleted the column and tested the script again, but this time is another issue. > `UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: error: delete...

Or sorry some users without roles or users with roles that don't exist anymore.

I was talking to another user that the issue was around the relation they had with users-permissions wasn't migrated properly at the code level, can you check your users-permissions schema...

> Hi @derrickmehaffy, looks like, after the latest merge, the conditions column in the admin_permissions table throws invalid input syntax for type JSON which I mentioned above, changing it back...

> @derrickmehaffy These are my tables for strapi-permissions generated from v4, seems like `up_users_role_links` does not exist but `users_permissions_user_role_links` does exist, seems like a naming issue? Should I rename those...

> @derrickmehaffy No, I'm working with different database, the screenshot was for the v4 after running the api in develop mode with an empty db Those `users-permissions*` tables should not...

> @derrickmehaffy I can share my database for you to reproduce it if you want That would be great. Are you on our community Discord? If so PM me directly:...