
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

Absolutely related, not quite a duplicate so I'll leave both open but I think it should be possible to solve both at once.

Hello, we are marking this issue as closed as it has been combined into a centralized Tracking issue for all Typescript issues. Please see: #15225 If you believe this was...

Can you please try purging all entries in the `strapi_database_schema` table?

Duplicate: @perjo can you create an issue in the docs repo?

@alexandrebodin do you want me to try and fix these lint issues?

> @derrickmehaffy I tried checking out v3.6.10 and didn't get that error. > It's probably coming from an eslitn udpate done by yarn autmatically because the version isn't strict in...

> @derrickmehaffy The tests should run again with abfa85672ac7e688dc4f06bb4a1b60e988dc96d9. I had to update the jest setup to match the one from v4 (which is the proper one, because @swc/jest is...

Alright I have no idea why the hell node is running out of memory here.

@alexandrebodin is currently working on a parallel PR to see if he can work around some of the upgrade errors I was getting:

Closing in favor of