
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

@petersg83 I believe this relates to your message last week internally about plugins not following the same format as the content-api.

I believe this should be fixed in v4.2.x+ if someone wants to confirm.

I can confirm that using the v4 pagination does not currently work. As a temporary workaround you can use the old v3 synatx (confirmed working) with `start=1&limit=1`

What data type feeds this graph? If json, it should be fairly easy, not sure on generation.

Hey all, we wanted to share one of our internal product demos about this and what is coming in #985

Related to this feature request: Closing

This is possible in v4 by directly modifying the schema:

@cyp3rius do you think it's due to the sequence not being restarted on the target table before we reimport the data?

Odd that the actual data tables work but the relational joining tables don't. When testing with normal content-types and relations I'm not able to reproduce the issue :thinking:

DEITS is designed to map the entries for the new IDs automatically and handle the linking