
Results 595 comments of DMehaffy

I would also like to see this if possible. As I allow my media pc for friends and family I would like to add in a way for them to...

That's not a bad idea, slightly more complicated but not too difficult to do. Just curious with things like your Sonarr and what not, do you have authentication enabled on...

We may have some more being made, which I will attach if Mar Carvee approves.

@SpyTec I'll ask and let you know.

@SpyTec Reddit account: And some more assets (PNG & SVG) [](

Hate to bump old issues but I can confirm this: ``` Error: All keys in the pipeline should belong to the same slot ``` It appears lru is trying to...

Doing some testing myself on the following: `^filterlog:\\s+.*,(in|out),4,.*,(?i)UDP,.*$` This will not work you need to remove a slash: `^filterlog:\s+.*,(in|out),4,.*,(?i)UDP,.*$` you can see the gist of this regex here:

Upgrading to medium as this is becoming fairly popular on Discord.

I quite like the approach, it provides a default methodology for setting the file name that isn't breaking but allows users to customize it if needed.

@yanniskadiri / @marcoautiero I don't know who owns this one so I set to both your projects. Most likely this needs to be looped in with: but it's not...