Dario Copetti
Dario Copetti
Hello, I would like to use the GFF3toolkit to remove some gene models (all with one isoform, from an external list) from a gff3 file. I first run `gff3_QC -g...
Hello, we have ~30x coverage ONT (N50 9.3 kb, 165 Gb) of a ~5 Gb plant genome and we would like to assemble it with HINGE - we wonder if...
Hello, I would like to use racon to error-correct chloroplast (a subset of all reads, made by aligning all reads to the assembly containing cp contigs) PacBio CLR reads and...
Hello, It is the first time I am doing the basecalling on raw ONT data and I would like to run Flappie on the fast5 data. I have a few...
Hello, I realized that after Falcon Unzip I have some p-contigs of length 0 (there is an empty line), while there are haplotigs for that sequence. Counting the length: ```...
Hi, I am analyzing the p- and a-contigs of a FALCON assembly, and within the p-contigs I see that there are canonical linear contigs (e.g. 003655F), circular contigs (3702) and...
Hello, I am using this script on an Unzipped assembly (1.3 Gb in total) with default settings (50% of bases to be out). The resulting fasta has many less sequences...
Hello, I wonder if the method to detect SFS strings could be applied to other highly accurate datasets such as unitigs created from Illumina reads (e.g. PE, 2x150 bp, 500...
Hello, I would like to run Scaff10x, but after a minute or so that is running, I get this error: ``` [copettid@kp140-95 scaffolding_Rabv2]$ /data/dario/bin/Scaff10X/src/scaff10x -nodes 15 -longread 0 -gap 100...
Hello, I am planning to run PacBio 16S Kinnex on a set of six 96-well plates and I wonder how to set up the analysis when there will be files...