
Results 133 comments of dbr/Ben

Ahh, I see! That is indeed not yet exposed in the API yet. I don't have time to look into this currently, but a PR would be welcomed - it...

0.8.2 fails docs build for different reason :cry: I think I need to update the `exclude = ["third-party/*.json", "third-party/*.lua", "third-party/imgui/*/"]` in `imgui-sys/Cargo.toml` as it's now wrong with the copypaste imgui...

> Does anyone know of a way we could have prevented this in CI in the future? It wouldn't help with the initial problem (missing `docking` feature), but we should...

@sanbox-irl Done in PR #595

Seems reasonable - the Lenna image has some historical importance in image compression, but not so much for UI toolkits! I would suggest an alternative of.. the cheerful head of...

Fumbling my way along with the help of https://depth-first.com/articles/2020/06/29/compiling-rust-to-webassembly-a-simple-example/ results in this: ``` $ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown $ cargo build --features wasm --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release ``` ..which produces a...

> This issue makes it sound like there is an example somewhere — where could I find that? The imgui-glium-renderer directory doesn't seem to have any examples in it. There's...

I haven't really looked into the drag-and-drop API, but, given imgui immediately copies the supplied buffer, it seems plausible we could provide an API which takes `&[u8]` and provides that...

I think this happens with Linux+gcc+ld also We have a similar sounding setup - basically an application composed of various crates, multiple of which use imgui I tried making one...

I'll try and put together a complete reproduction-example for this, but I think it should just be: 1. `crate_util` which uses imgui-rs, and sets `crate-type = ["dylib"]` 2. `crate_main` which...