
Results 133 comments of dbr/Ben

Oops thought I had commented on this already! I agree. The existing examples are okay at showing "how to use a button" or whatever, but they aren't good at showing...

I think you are just missing this line from the full example: https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/blob/f58744e57949ade294d87fc9798502675a2fd4d5/imgui-examples/examples/support/mod.rs#L150 (the renderer doesn't clear the buffer in case you are displaying imgui widgets over a buffer already...

> but the imgui demo window source code translated to the rust version would help a lot We do have the [`test_window_impl.rs`](https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/blob/main/imgui-examples/examples/test_window_impl.rs) which is exactly this (should probably rename it...

The header is used when the `--features freetype` is enabled, and I'm pretty sure the problem comes from the `exclude` line in `imgui-sys/Cargo.toml` ``` exclude = ["third-party/*.json", "third-party/*.lua", "third-party/imgui/*/"] ```...

This is still the case with latest imgui-rs, and it the case with some other methods (like `ui.set_window_font_scale(0.0)` will cause an abort) Does anyone have any opinions on this in...

This looks great, thanks! Will give it a proper test as soon as I can - so far I've only checked on Linux and it does as expected (happily falls...

> RustDesk project also installs own `vcpkg`. Why do we think `vcpkg` globally included? The default software for the Windows runners is listed here, and does include vcpkg: https://github.com/actions/virtual-environments/blob/7518d04a3a12a7fb369179b0e77d4d89c3db9b0f/images/win/Windows2022-Readme.md#package-management Not...

I've made at attempt at finding the relevant bugfixes from `main` (there was a lot more commits since 0.8 than I thought!) and have made #581 Could you give it...