
Results 133 comments of dbr/Ben

Thanks for this! :partying_face: > I'm not sure about the path of the source file. I don't think it's a widget but idk where to put it. I think probably...

The CI failure in the Rust 1.54 checks is unrelated to PR I think the `x11-dl v2.20.0` (used by `winit`) now uses edition 2021 which isn't supported by Rust 1.54....

Thanks! This seems good to me, merging There's some room for optimizing away the internally allocated `String` but this can be done later if someone finds it necessary!

There's some interesting work being done in PR's to the upstream library, to reduce the power usage of imgui by allowing different windows to update at different rates (a middle...

I think there was an old PR for this, https://github.com/imgui-rs/imgui-rs/pull/376 (although it'd need a bit of reworking to current state of the repo)

Your last comment is 100% correct for the currently published v0.8 crate. Things are a little confusing currently because the last published version (0.8) doesn't match up with the current...

FWIW I run in to this limit occasionally (usually something like "showing giant amount of things in window), but annoyingly keep forgetting to make a simple repro example so I...

Example! ```rust use imgui::*; mod support; fn main() { let system = support::init(file!()); let mut text = String::new(); for _row in 0..1_000 { for _char in 0..100 { text +=...

@aloucks Hmmm, that's a good point! I'm using `imgui-glow-renderer` and the same problem happens with the glium renderer used in `imgui-examples` - both of which have `RendererHasVfxOffset` I can draw,...

Made an issue upstream about this, https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/5720