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Motion planning algorithm implementation
Motion planning algorithm implementation in Python and C++
Table of Contents
- C++ useage
- a* algorithm
- theta* algorithm
- Probabilistic Roadmaps algorithm
Rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm
- rrt
- rrt_connect
- rrt*
- rrt*-smart
Dubins path algorithm
- shortest dubins path with different end point
- 6 types of dubins path with same end point
- RRT-Dubins
- RRT*-Dubins
Reeds Shepp path algorithm
- shortest Reeds Shepp path with different end point
- different types of Reeds Shepp path with same end point
- Hybrid A* algorithm
C++ useage
C++11 standard, use Rviz to show algorithm, so you should install ROS.
- put this package in your ros workspace, e.g. ~/catkin_ws/src/
- cd ~/catkin_ws and catkin_make
- source devel/setup.bash
- launch script, e.g. roslaunch cpp_rviz a_star.launch
a* algorithm
theta* algorithm
Probabilistic Roadmaps algorithm
Rapidly-exploring random tree algorithm
Dubins path algorithm
Dubins algorithm have 6 types path as below.
shortest dubins path with different end point
6 types of dubins path with same end point
Reeds Shepp path algorithm
The difference of Reeds Shepp path and Dubins path is that Reeds Sheep path have both forwards and backwards. So Dubins path is a subset of Reeds Shepp path.
shortest Reeds Shepp path with different end point
different types of Reeds Shepp path with same end point
Hybrid A* algorithm
based A* algorithm and Reeds Shepp path algorithm