
Results 407 comments of daurnimator

Arch uses glibc 2.35. Looking through recent glibc changes related to `c_nonshared` I found https://github.com/bminor/glibc/commit/1a2f44a848663036c8a14671fe0faa3fed0b2a25. I wonder if this means that linking `pthread` previously implied `c_nonshared`, but it doesn't any...

What about when you take the address of a member? ```zig const xxx = struct { bar: u8, pub fn bar(self: *const xxx) void {} }; test "non-member fn call"...

> What should `@alignCast` do for zero-sized types? Related: #4016

Do you have a screenshot of what it looks like at these small sizes? Also would it be reasonable to use an svg media query to combine with the existing...

> I was bored and made a logo that looks like a wooden box with Z over it. I don't know what else to call it but a "crate": we...

> This is in contrast to other data structures in the standard library such as the linked lists, which are generic I've seen it proposed that the genericity of the...

> Requires an allocation when copying the value in the init function (Link) I wonder if we should have `managed` and `unmanaged` versions similar to `ArrayList` > Has an extra...

> Could you explain why ? It seems only related to how `Headers` internal storage works, but it is not mandatory to define a header in general. It's nothing to...

I'd be happy with that. Zig even already has a SipHash implementation, so it should just be a matter of using it in the http.headers module. @cactus do you want...

> SipHash returns a u64, but std.HashMap expects a hash function to return a u32. Just `@truncate` the result. > Additionally, [`Headers.init`](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/0dd2e93e4cb28205823e840d5fdb0fccce9cc2e7/std/http/headers.zig#L117) currently does not allow failure. I think that...