
Results 436 comments of daurnimator

I think the best solution would be to add the redirect = false then in OAuth.lua rewrite Sign to use socket.url.parse As a note; you also don't do anything with...

in the mean time before you have a proper fix just add the redirect = false. It'll at least return 301/302 instead of a cryptic error message from openssl about...

> The last thing what's missing is to port luaL_register, where I actually don't know how to made it correct. > - luaL_register (L, NULL, plot_metatable); > - luaL_setfuncs (L,...

> How to handle the string "graphcore" in luaL_setfuncs? Remove it (use NULL instead) => libraries should not set globals anyway. (the 2nd arg is what global variable to make...

Any progress here?

> Done :-) > > https://rocks.moonscript.org/modules/francesco/graph-toolkit > > I hope I made no errors Doesn't work at the moment. ``` $ sudo luarocks install https://rocks.moonscript.org/manifests/francesco/graph-toolkit-scm-1.rockspec Using https://rocks.moonscript.org/manifests/francesco/graph-toolkit-scm-1.rockspec... switching to 'build'...

> There was a typo in the directory name (source.dir) and I've fixed that in the rockspec. The problem is that I still get errors and for the moment I...

I also note that the existing behaviour doesn't work in Lua 5.4: ``` $ croissant 🥐 Croissant 0.0.1 (C) 2019 Benoit Giannangeli Lua 5.3 Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Lua.org, PUC-Rio →...

Additionally it looks like you can get better names for devices via `node_hwmon_chip_names` e.g. the `chip` label of my CPU is `pci0000:00_0000:00:18_3`; but if you join with `node_hwmon_sensor_label` you can...

> It may easy to add this function, but I wonder it's useful... I have a use case where users of my server can upload .proto files; and then I...