
Results 331 issues of daurnimator

The http.headers type `HeaderIndex` currently uses `AutoHashMap`, it should use a better hash function, possibly parametized. _Originally posted by @daurnimator in #2263_

Now that ziglang/zig#2263 is merged, it's possible to write a [HPACK](https://http2.github.io/http2-spec/compression.html) module. The decoder should be fed HTTP/2 `HEADERS` blocks and dynamic table resize instructions; it should output `http.headers` objects....

Is providing some default tasks something a vscode extension does? Maybe something like ```yaml { // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558 // for the documentation about the tasks.json format "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [...

My main branch.. features that didn't merit their own branch. Please review each throughly

`$ cat ~/luatute/tute-coro.lua` ``` local read = function ( ) return coroutine.yield ( ) end local get_blah = function ( ) print ( "PRE 1" ) print ( read (...

`PQPing` is a blocking operation. It doesn't seem possible to reimplement using libpq: `PQPing` works by creating a temporary conenction object, calling [`internal_ping`](http://doxygen.postgresql.org/fe-connect_8c.html#a81cdb2f1cd25adf0db94b9088bf88122) and then closing it. `internal_ping` uses internal...

> Go to the definition of FT_Encoding in freetype2/include/freetype/freetype.h and comment out the 'for backward compatibility' lines (see https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/2115) This issue is now fixed upstream

You should never append to a lua string in a loop: add elements to a table then use table.concat. Seen @ https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/zmq.c#L372

lua-inspect is really handy; I wish there was good sublime text integration.

You can't use redirection with https and luasocket. Fix: Add redirect = false to request_constructor Just after doing the http(s) request: if response_code == 301 or response_code == 302 then...