
Results 436 comments of daurnimator

Also container-doc-comments (https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/3697)

Python is far more of a dependency than a shell. The scripts intentionally work with *any* POSIX compliant shell; not just bash.

> Normally, passing a pointer to a struct allocated on the stack to another function somewhere else is verboten because it's UB (the stack memory disappears and becomes undefined once...

Also found: https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/http/common.lua#L19 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/http/client.lua#L27 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/http/client.lua#L72 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/http/server.lua#L26 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/http/server.lua#L133 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/smtp/client.lua#L101 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/smtp/common.lua#L83 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/smtp/common.lua#L462 https://github.com/icgood/ratchet/blob/master/src/socketpad/init.lua#L146

Would love to see this update :)

This is indeed an issue. Just posted to the lua mailing list about it.

lpeg 1.0 fixes the bug in lpeg that causes this. If you add a dependency on `lpeg >= 1.0` I think this issue can be marked done.

just noticed the fix I advised above breaks with a GET request: it appends the query string again for each request. i've done a hack fix by nil-ing out arguments...

and then again; I notice that now the signature is broken; will have to do a completely new request. fix will be more complicated than I first thought

LivePerson See: http://community.liveperson.com/docs/DOC-1033 http://community.liveperson.com/docs/DOC-1044#base at the moment I've got it working by adding `redirect = false` in `codeLuaSocket.lua` table constructor for `request_constructor` and using the code: ``` local url =...