Lion - dapplion

Results 281 comments of Lion - dapplion

Buckets of whole numbers, lowest bucket should be 1 - beacon_operations_per_block_attestation_total_bucket Misc: - beacon_block_total_size_bucket: bucket size should range avg block size This buckets could be proportional to slot time, and...

We use to have this and remove them and it got to invasive. I would leave it to each team member discretion to add git hooks manually to their .git...

- Closing since there's a tracker issue After merging libp2p, let's revisit this, do tests and if positive do a PR

Closing for now since the network code has diverged. This optimization is good and should definitely be included on a future review of backfill sync

How does this interact with the cache for attestations that reference blocks still not seen? This triggers of unknown block sync, are due to attestations arriving before the block or...

@tuyennhv Just pushed a commit to simplify the data structures and make the code agnostic to if the request comes unknown parent or unknown block. Also, regarding metrics: - Only...

Closing, can be added in a future PR that reviews backfill sync

So this covers the case where I know what's the correct state in the future but I don't want to download it. Some issue I see: - Isn't this a...

> Hmmm, what you are saying makes sense though I think if we clarify in the help that if weakSubjectivityServerUrl is not provided, it will forward sync and verify, else...

Turning draft, since it has been sitting for a while. Can this PR only include the future check, if wsCp > current DB; but not if wsCp is in the...