Dean Attali

Results 155 issues of Dean Attali

It seems that the spreadsheet "takes over" the page and can't be controlled, at least not in an intuitive way. If I create a page with a spreadsheet and a...

Render functions in shiny should be able to handle reactive data, such that when they get re-run, the widget ges updated to the new data. It seems that RXSpreadsheet doesn't...

The README says to install the package from CRAN, but following that command results in an error since the package is not on CRAN. The README should instruct users to...

It would be much more user friendly if we just had to pass in a dataframe to the RXSpreadsheet() function and it would handle converting it to the proper format

When retrieving the `input$_RXSpreadsheetData`, the return value is not very useful to the end user. It would need to be converted with `RXSpreadsheet::listToDataFrame()` almost always. I would argue that it's...

It would be useful to be able to call `RXSpreadsheet::RXSpreadsheet()` or `RXSpreadsheet::RXSpreadsheet(NULL)` to create a blank spreadsheet. Right now I have to use `RXSpreadsheet::RXSpreadsheet(data.frame())`

I definitely see the appeal of `calendr`, it's cute. And it's something I would call a pet project too. But IMO since this is going to be RStudio-endorsed, and therefore...

I think it would be helpful to specify a version for the custom element. For example, if I add a few major properties/events to an element, I should be able...

For example, it's possible to change the animation duration or delay

good first issue

Realistically, people are not going to click through the link in the readme to the animate.css docs. It would be good to include important parts of the docs in here,...
