Robin Duda

Results 37 comments of Robin Duda

@Verdoso how would you compare it to hazelcast IMap? Are you using hazel with consul discovery? Any benefits over the default discovery mechanism? @archenroot might be interested in a distributed...

This is how the db/indexes are setup AddIndex will be invoked dynamically through the applications lifetime. This is the implementation of the add/update/remove I had a test-case for...

@muhdkhokhar the index won't be rebuilt until you call .addIndex, so the object won't appear in searches until the index is added - but when you do call .addIndex the...

similar issue with the report -> export pdf on desktop 1.6.1, the file browser doesn't trigger and the user gets stuck in the "document-preview view" on Windows 10, works on...

Hi, I created a wrapper for JSR223 and implemented support for Groovy and JavaScript (nashorn). With the wrapper I can use non JSR223 implementations as well, I do this for...

Hello, Thanks for submitting an issue. The plugin has not been tested on 7.10.0, its possible the plugin format has changed since the last release. Note that the versions must...

Hello, I assumed that LDAPS would work just by configuring the ldaps:// protocol instead of ldap:// and probably setting up a truststore somehow. The answer is probably here I...

Hello, look for starttls on this page - it requires some changes to the code, I don't have the time for this right now.

Hello, thanks for submitting an issue. which version of kibana are you running? the kibana version must match the kbn-version header send by the client, exact match is required for...

Hello, Thanks for the links and the report. I added the reconnect option and error handler and released 1.2.2. Let me know if this fixes your issue, I don't have...