Robin Duda

Results 24 issues of Robin Duda

Hello, I've been having issues with the disk persistence and might have figured out some things. a) SQLite attribute indexes are not loaded by CQEngine on startup - this means...

See: Status: maybe


Attempting to verify a token with the alg header set to 'none' always fails. This is because the implementation of the NoneAlgorithm 'verify' unconditionally returns False. ``` def verify(self, msg,...

Some notes on chosen algorithms and parameters - recommended to use 10k iterations for PBKDF2 in 2016, 128 is being used here. - we might want to use Twofish instead...

we'll configure this on the HAPI server. Should be simple to setup - self signed certificates generated on the fly. - [ ] encrypted communications over TLS - [ ]...


Allows dashboards to be shared and accessible without logging in. Killer feature.


**Describe the bug** When pre-aggregations are enabled in developer mode, table creation fails with the error "location temp:// can't be listed in remote fs" in import/ This is a blocker...


The total imported shown when imports complete is not entirely accurate. If the backpressure buffer is large, then the accuracy increases. The total count is measured when the final block...
