Robin Duda

Results 37 comments of Robin Duda

Ah, the release is not available yet because of outdated credentials in the build pipeline. I'll be back later.

Hello, thanks for submitting a report. I'll add a warning to the README for now, I don't have the time to upgrade and test this right now.

in the current state of kibana this is nearly impossible to achieve. Any client loading a shared dashboard is also responsible from loading the data to populate the dashboard. Allowing...

Make an attempt using phantomjs/node-webshot module. The plugin will sign its own token to use for the request, if the url is a "dashboard url". The snapshot taken is streamed...

Hello, There are currently no plans to implement any further access control. Because it's hard to get right, requests would have to be proxied and filtered somehow. Open to PR's...

Hello, In JSON '#' is not used to comment out a line, default is to not support comments in JSON files. I know there is an extension that allows '//'...

Please update to 1.2.1 if you want to use LDAP and 2FA at the same time. Just fixed an issue with the key setup.

Yes - except one thing, you don't need to be in the "group dn" to be allowed to login, it will be used in the future to manage access to...

I had already tested with plaintext and SHA256, it's working as expected. I tested setting the dn of the admin config to "cn=username,ou=system" and it didn't work, nor with "sn=role,ou=system"....

thanks alot for the info, I'll try and reproduce it as soon as possible.