Robin Duda

Results 37 comments of Robin Duda

I've setup windows server 2019 with AD/LDAP in a hyper-v. - using ldp.exe I am able to connect and bind with the admin username. - using Apache Directory Studio I...

In json \ backslash is a control character, it can be escaped with \, for example "CN=LastName\\\\" in JSON is read as CN=LastName\. `_group-dn: specify a group containing users authorized...

Hi, I'm working on improving the configurability and assuring quality on Microsoft ADs. Error handling has been improved to make sure errors are logged. There is currently a blocking issue...

Hello, I'm unable to reproduce this issue with excelastic-1.3.7 and Elasticsearch 7.10.1 1. downloaded and started elasticsearch 7.10.1, no configuration changes. 2. download excelastic-1.3.7.jar and run with `java -jar `...

closing, please reopen if this is still an issue.

Hello, Multiple sheets are not yet supported. I added it on the roadmap, it will be included in a release in a few weeks. Thanks for submitting an issue.

Hello! How many columns are there in the csv file on the first row? The application detects 12, with an anomaly on line 5403058 where it finds only 11 columns....

Thanks for the update! Seems to be an issue with the headers for the small CSV. Any special characters in there? Or commas within quotes?

Hi again, The blocked thread warning is expected for large files, it just means that the thread is busy processing. 10M rows will take a while to complete, do you...

No you won't see any status updates yet, because it's doing the initial parse of the file to ensure it's able to parse the whole file.