Adrian Cole

Results 360 issues of Adrian Cole

The W3C trace-context format has 2 headers. The primary one is `tracestate` which holds a durable copy of what would be in B3 single format. This is used in case...


[INFO] --- maven-invoker-plugin:3.2.1:run (default) @ brave-instrumentation-grpc --- [INFO] Building: grpc12/pom.xml Error: [ERROR] WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred Error: [ERROR] WARNING: Illegal reflective access by io.netty.util.internal.PlatformDependent0$1 (file:/home/runner/work/brave/brave/instrumentation/grpc/target/local-repo/io/netty/netty-common/4.1.8.Final/netty-common-4.1.8.Final.jar) to...


I lost a lot of time today due to vertx-web tests crashing regardless of JDK install when I updated the OS like below. I reverted it for now. This issue...


This change follows from The http host/authority is not always located in headers, at least not at all times. For example, some clients have static configuration regarding the host...

gRPC's "grpc-trace-bin" was a special header made by the OpenCensus project and later removed, when OpenCensus was removed from gRPC. As google integrated this into Envoy, there could be people...


The order isn't guaranteed by the test runner. The test should be rewritten to enforce order via latches or otherwise. ``` MutableSpan requestConsumerSpan = consumerSpanHandler.takeRemoteSpan(CONSUMER); MutableSpan replyProducerSpan = consumerSpanHandler.takeRemoteSpan(PRODUCER); MutableSpan...


sometimes we have OSGi related glitches, such as missing internal specifiers. I know pax exists, but it has tended to be a bit slow part of the process. I noticed...


As described in the referenced issue. In-process messaging sometimes uses propagation, and the default of B3 multi makes the overhead quite bad. We should switch non-remote injection to B3 single...


I notice this in gRPC, but maybe somewhere else it occurs: ``` [INFO] -----------------------< io.zipkin.brave:brave >------------------------ [INFO] Building Brave 5.12.1-SNAPSHOT [2/40] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- Downloading from jfrog-snapshots: Downloading...


[INFO] Running brave.spring.webmvc.ITSpanCustomizingHandlerInterceptor 11:58:24,790 WARN [qtp2057313197-409] servlet.DispatcherServlet ( - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/foo/bark] in DispatcherServlet with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet-4f5df8c7' [ERROR] Tests run: 33, Failures: 1, Errors:...
