Carlos Manzanedo Rueda
Carlos Manzanedo Rueda
Thanks for the contrib. I'll add things up (both pr's) and get them merged over the weekend (would like to check if there is any other test around sniff that...
Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm not entirely sure why do you need a formatter for this handler in particular? Could you give more context of what are you...
Have you added to it testing cases and coverage to it ? Was there any reason in particular to deviate so much from the original implementation ? I guess that...
Makes sense; Setting it as an extra parameter with default to true seems the way to go. One for next iteration or if anyone would like to pick up that...
Commented on the PR; Hopefully this weekend or the next I'd like to spend some time merging all changes, running tests and checking if there is any additional test we...
Thanks a lot for the feedback! Absolutely. I have not had time in a long time to work on this and will gladly accept pull requests or even follow forks...
Yes, that is nice feedback; Most of it makes sense lots of sense. Just one question: Could you expand on why you think verify_ssl is not needed ? In some...
Hi @hussaintamboli: Pull requests and forks are accepted and really much appreciated. Feedback in this thread makes total sense and would love to have the time to spend at some...
@KonstantinSchubert ; Apologies for about being completely absent. Konstantin, I've added you to the collaborators of the project. I have not managed to allocate and commit time for keeping this...
Yep, the https vs use_ssl seems to be misleading. Something to add to the next version, I guess. I'll leave this issue open and take care of it as son...