Charissa Miller
Charissa Miller
See the changes to the [Workbench Integration Documentation](
As a user of the Navigator, I should be informed if there is an issue loading the configuration file. Currently, the application fails silently if there is an error in...
Resolves #376, #377, #383, #384, and #385 Must be merged simultaneously with the rest api changes.
As a user of Workbench, I would like to be able to view the techniques associated with a tactic on the tactic view page. Related to [rest-api#214](
As a user of Workbench, I would like to be able to search for objects with specific platforms when creating or editing a collection. Platform filtering options should be added...
As a user of Workbench, I would like to be able to search techniques by platform or domain. Platform/Domain filtering options should be added to the current search functionality on...
To reduce the amount of manual effort necessary when creating a new collection, we'd like to create a new button that will automatically add relevant tactics to a collection based...
As a user of Workbench, I would like to have an option to include Note objects when exporting or downloading a collection/collection bundle.
As a user, I want to be able to navigate directly to a related object from the list of relationships on the currently viewed object. (See related: