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Hifiasm: a haplotype-resolved assembler for accurate Hifi reads

Results 244 hifiasm issues
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Hello, I recently performed a de novo genome assembly using HiFiasm. And I have Hifi sequencing data. First, thank you let us use this wonderful tool. But when i run...

Before, I only used the hifi data to run hifiasm and there were results, but recently I added the hic results to assemble, but no results were displayed. Looking at...

I have noticed that the chloroplast and mitochondrion do not assemble with hifiasm. I am not expecting to get the full plastid assembled correctly, but I don't see anything. When...

Hi, Thanks for you nice hifiasm! I have a haploid plant sample (wu just guess from previous researches and experience). The WGS estimatics size is ~2.1G with the first kmer...

Hello, I am using hifiasm to assemble HiFI reads (Genome size ~ 600 Mb, fastq.gz ~ 6Go), Similarly to https://github.com/chhylp123/hifiasm/issues/69 I got a segmentation fault when "Writing reads to disk......

Hello, from the log file, I could not determine the peak value for --hom-cov. [nohup.txt](https://github.com/chhylp123/hifiasm/files/9146666/nohup.txt) And this is the code that i used. `$hifiasm -o hifiasm -t 80 --hg-size 1.9g...

Hello, professor I want to know the differences bewteen trio modle and HiC model? Is there a difference in the detection of structural variation? Will the trio model completely split...

Hello, professor Because our species is a diploid of interspecific hybridization, it is not clear whether the recombination and exchange between the two sets of chromosomes have occurred. I want...

**Dear hifiasm developer, I am using hifiasm to assembly the Centromere-region with hifi reads, while I get one contig much longer than expected, I mapped the hifi reads and ONT...

Hi, Hifiasm is a great tool! I enjoyed it. Thank you very much! I am working on a fungus genome and the genome size is expected to be 110mb. I...