Ryan Lester

Results 30 issues of Ryan Lester

Changed the speed dial and datatable components to drop the dependency on forwardRef, which had been breaking AOT compilation in my project. (Note: my project doesn't use the datatable, just...

Ideally, this option would be able to make `itemHeight` be treated as a static height for only off-screen items, with items in the viewport being rendered with their normal dynamic...


Currently `vsData` is expected to be `Observable`. It'd be useful if it were expanded to support the more general `Observable`, which would allow it to take such types as ES6...


(also fixed what looked like an accidental unused variable)

I haven't investigated too much further, but for whatever reason receiving any push notification in the @cyph macOS app ([here](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cyph/id1480070821)) causes it to immediately crash. This is with macOS 10.14.16,...

These are major happy path bugs that have been in the stable release for a number of years now. The root cause seems to be on jsdoc's end, but the...

Steps to reproduce (tested with Node 8.12.0 and 11.7.0): ``` git clone https://github.com/buu700/simple-reverse-proxy cd simple-reverse-proxy npm install npm start & curl -H 'Host: cyph.com' http://localhost/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/auditconclusion.txt ``` Expected result: Prints content...


The readme says that encoding is 20% faster when reusing an `Encoder` instance. If that's the case, is there any reason not to just memoize them in `encode` (or at...

I'm not entirely sure why, but when testing this library I was almost consistently getting checksum failures during decompression, which I know for a fact were false positives because the...