Ryan Lester

Results 40 comments of Ryan Lester

If it's helpful, I have another test case. Steps: 1. Open Chrome mobile simulator (not necessary, but makes the issue more consistently reproducible for me) 2. Navigate to https://websign.cyph.wang/simple-master#account 3....

By the way, any thoughts at this point on how much effort this feature will take and/or the general timeline on when it might eventually be implemented?

Got it, thanks. Well, in that case, what about an option to do something like this? 1. Immediately render an item (using some method of keeping it invisible, e.g. moving...

Just wanted to add, I ended up arriving on a pattern that works pretty well with the current API. I needed a way to access other inputs to my component...

Cool, sounds good. `Iterable` is a subset of `T[]` (if I'm not mistaken), so I think it'll be a fairly small change — you shouldn't need the union type, and...

http://stackoverflow.com/a/962040/459881 (Though it was unnecessary in this case, maybe the better change on my part would have been to simply remove that variable.)

If desktop support is a lower priority than mobile, maybe it could be implemented on top of Qt? Since they've already done the work of wrapping up a JS runtime...

I ran into this error as well. Turned out that it didn't like that I had nvm installed (which had somehow caused a weird state where my global npm was...

I'm also seeing that this should be possible with `netcat` or `socat`: * https://www.disk91.com/2020/technology/systems/transfer-udp-over-ssh * https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-forward-UDP-packets-through-an-SSH-tunnel --- I'm not super familiar with either tool and have never done this before,...

Interesting, thanks for investigating all that @jammy-d! It sounds like you've basically validated the concept, M1 `socat` bugs aside. Rather than `socat`, maybe an alternative like [`sslh`](https://github.com/yrutschle/sslh) would work, although...