Surfingkeys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Surfingkeys copied to clipboard

Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.

Results 257 Surfingkeys issues
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I tried to [follow `ab` command](, but couldn't find a way to do it. Also, I can't use `chrome.bookmarks` because we are writing settings code as content script, I guess....

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( No * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( Yes. But there...

i like search in bookmark ( press b) but it doesn't support fuzzy finder here is fzf in js [fzf-js]( ![landing]( Can you integrate it into surfingkeys

Seems like `iunmap` stopped to work in settings, the functional alternative is `api.iunmap`, so this commit updates READMEs to use it when explaining how to disable emoji completion.

If this is not already a feature, I can create one and make a pull request to add it. Just making sure no-one else has one already or this is...

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( NO * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( Yes ## Error...

Hi. First of all, thanks for a great tool! I absolutely love it! Is there a way to create a command which will execute some Javascript? I want to do:...

Thanks very much for Surfingkeys! Please let me know if I should be using a different mechanism for creating a feature request. I make use of a system wide dark/light...

Firenvim set `g:started_by_firenvim` variable and we can check it and run specific code ( [source]( ). Is there something like that in Surfingkeys? I want to change `colorscheme` param, because...

Currently Surfingkeys are enabled by default and we can disable it by shortcut Alt-S. Would there be a way to reverse this behavior like Alt-S to enable it for new...