Surfingkeys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Surfingkeys copied to clipboard

Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.

Results 257 Surfingkeys issues
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I just started using it and it is not loading my basic configurations > file:///C:/Users/varit/OneDrive/Desktop/configs/Surfingkeys.js I pasted the above file path into the ` Load Settings from` text area and...

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? No 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( Yes ## Error...

映射 `jk` 退出 Omnibar 无法生效 ``` api.cmap('jk', ""); ```

映射 `i` 退出 visual mode 无法生效 ``` api.vunmap('i'); api.vmap('i', ''); ```

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( Couldn't find it. * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( Yes....

## Error details 在Edge使用时部分网页无法使用x关闭,同样的网页在Chrome使用时是可以用x键关闭 SurfingKeys: 1.13.0 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/ URL: ## Context **Please replace this with a description of...

The default background-color for "surfingkeys_match_mark" is barely distinguishable from the web page background color in dark mode. I tried `"surfingkeys_match_mark", "background-color: #f1fa8c;");` but it did not work.

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( I've searched and couldn't...

报错文本:Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received frontend.html:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: A listener indicated an asynchronous response...

I needed this in order to get opening an image in a background tab to work. Example (99% of it is stolen from api.mapkey("gI", "#7View image in new tab",...