Surfingkeys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Surfingkeys copied to clipboard

Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.

Results 257 Surfingkeys issues
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SurfingKeys: 1.0.5 Browser: Edge URL: ## Context 你好,今天更新到1.0.5之後,按t叫出omibar然後打字想過濾的時候,發現之前用0.9版本的時候速度很快 差不多是隨打隨找,換新版之後從history中找出url的速度變的很慢(差不多要等個一兩秒)而且同一個url會重複出現,如下圖 ![Clip122]( 請問新版是否有什麼地方需要另外設定?謝謝

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( ## Error details SurfingKeys:...

SurfingKeys: 1.0.5 Browser: CentBrowser (Chromium 86.0.4240.198) ![2108301256](

平台:Mac M1 Air MacOS12.2.1 浏览器UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.3 Safari/605.1.15 SurfingKeys:1.04 1. Safari浏览器中使用搜索时,在中文输入状态下,会导致第一个字母仍为英文,后续才是拼音,在打字比较快时会出现,如图所示。 2. 此外,有时候,当我在输入法输入过程中按下Esc键时,会导致网页捕捉不了按键,而一直在输入法中输入字符。 复现过程: 1. 使用快捷键og打开谷歌搜索,并快速的键入“搜索内容”,就会出现第一个字母是英文,而后续是正常的拼音的情况。 2. 该情况尚未能稳定复现 **配置:** const {...

I can't find the heading subtype for the omnibar, nor exposed API to define a new one. ```javascript // Open Omnibar to jump to heading mapkey( "oh", "#8Jump to Heading",...

Hy, On this page,, would like to set/change focus to the scrollable sidebar area with kbd only. Not sure, if it is even possible with this extension. Currently on...

SurfingKeys: 0.9.74 Browser: Firefox 88.0.1/Linux Firefox uses its own PDF viewer in which none of SurfingKeys keys work. I cannot figure out how to get Firefox to use the SurfingKeys...

## Error details When restarting the Microsoft Edge, this plug-in will close. Every time I have to restart it manually which is very troublesome! SurfingKeys: 0.9.74 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT...

## Error details SurfingKeys: Browser: ## Context Here is my setting, the `jj` map is working, but the `le` and `la` map has no effect. This makes me very suspicious....

SurfingKeys: 0.9.63 Browser: Chrome 81.0.4044.122 URL: ## Context On some websites (e.g., `gf` and `C` do not show all link hints, wheras `f` and `cf` do. I would...